People are using their senses less and less when it comes to eating. We are buying food in packages and are forgetting to touch, smell and look. Instead of relying on our senses to determine whether food is still edible, we simply look at the expiration date on the package. Food journalist Bee Wilson set up an organisation in England called TastEd, which makes children at elementary schools get acquinted with different fruits and vegetables. Some kids have never even seen a real peach and note that it “looks very different from the peach emoji”. ? An observation which I think is sad and funny at the same time.
I made this illustration after reading the publication ‘Voorgesneden mango en bezorgmaaltijden stompen onze zintuigen af’ by De Correspondent, which is a by Nico Groen edited version of Bee Wilson’s essay ‘How we lost our sensory connection with food – and how to restore it’ which was published by The Guardian.